Branding & Logo Design

Branding & Logo Design

Your brand is made up of how you position yourself in your market, your messaging, personality, values, and presence. It’s what your customers think about when they think about your company. Your brand forms the foundation of how you interact with your customers, and how they interact with you.

Your logo and your visual identity form the visual foundation of your company. They will help to form your potential customers’ first impression, so they need to help you stand out. They will also be on everything your customers will interact with going forward. You’ve got to make them count!

Your logo and your visual identity will convey your brand. They will reflect your industry, and should do so in the simplest, most elegant way possible. They will also be what helps to set you apart in your industry. A well-designed logo and visual identity can help to create a memorable interaction with your brand, so it’s important to have these designed well!

The Process & Deliverables

When we work together to design your logo and visual identity, we will first work with you to make sure that you have your branding well defined through a collaborative Brand Design Sprint. This will result in a Personalized Brand Guide. Once we have your branding well-defined, we’ll work together to design your logo and your visual identity.

We’ll gather imagery and elements that reflect your brand. We then begin work on your logo and visual identity. When this is complete, you’ll have a logo (in vector, jpg, and png formats) that will work on both light and dark color backgrounds. You’ll also have recommended typography, a color palette, and recommended graphic styles that you’ll be able to put to use across different platforms and formats. If you need further assets such as business cards, letterhead, envelopes, folders, apparel, or anything else, we can work together to design these as well. This will all reflect your brand that we establish in your Brand Design Sprint.

This collaborative process is designed to strengthen your brand and help you stand out!

Ready to brand your organization? Want a free consultation?

Fill out the form if you’re ready to start a project, or if you’d like to have a free consultation. I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible!