Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Making a good first impression is vital to creating new relationships, establishing customers, and retaining your current customers. Developing professional materials that are well-designed and eye-catching will help you to stand out in the crowd, create trust, communicate your values, carry your brand, and stay ahead of your competitors. Whether it’s print materials like a brochure, business cards, or letterhead; a design for that big presentation you have to give; advertising design for a print publication; graphics for your website; or infographics for print or online, we’ve got this!

Your designs will help to extend your brand, which will increase the effectiveness of your graphics as they relate to your brand. We’ll work together through an iterative design process, and we’ll design the graphics that you need for your project while helping you achieve your brand goals.

The Graphic Design Process

  1. Let’s make sure we understand your brand and visual identity. If you don’t have one yet, let’s work together to help you establish them through a Brand Design Sprint.
  2. Once we understand your brand and visual identity, we’ll begin the prototyping process for your graphics. Through rapid iteration, we’ll make sure that you’re getting the graphics that you need. This allows us to work together quickly, and rapidly adjust if needed.
  3. Once we have established a prototype, the design process can begin.
  4. You’ll get your graphics delivered to you in the size and format that you need. I can also work directly with your vendors such as printers to be sure that everything works out the way it should.

Ready to start a graphic design project? Want a free consultation?

Fill out the form if you’re ready to start a project, or if you’d like to have a free consultation. I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible!